5 ways to market yourself after technical school

Oct 12, 2017

If you have just graduated from a technical school, congratulations! This can be an excellent career booster.

If you have your degree or are close to completing this, you might be worried about your next steps. The good news is, you have picked up valuable, targeted training that is needed in into today’s workforce by focusing in on a technical career.

Having a valuable skill set can get you part of the way when you are on the job market, but you still need to present yourself in the best light possible to attract employers. So be sure to utilize these 5 key tips when it comes to market yourself in the current job market:

1. Polish up that resume. If you are new in the field, your resume needs a revamp before you start the job search. Along with your cover letter, this is the first thing that employers will see. It is important this is up-to-date, relevant, and will stand out from other job seekers. Simple and to-the-point usually is the best strategy, but career and school counselors can also be available to take a look at your current resume. Sometimes a few minor tweaks can make all of the difference when it comes to a marketable resume that catches the eye of an employer.

2. Keep your network strong. While you might be excited to be done with your training program, keeping in contact with instructors, internship managers, and fellow students can be a great way to open future career doors. If others are having luck in certain sectors of your industry, you might find better leads on prospective jobs in your area with their help. Don’t be afraid to check in with instructors and other professionals you have worked with for advice and contacts they might be able to recommend within your field.

3. Practice interviewing. Interviewing can make even the most confident job seeker nervous. If you have practiced tough questions with a friend or fellow student ahead of time, you won’t be as nervous when it’s time for the real thing. If you feel like you have gone through a few interviews on your job search with no offers, try to pinpoint what questions are tripping you up and focus on more succinct answers. 

4. Don’t forget part-time jobs and internships. While you might have had previous jobs in a different field than the one you are trying to break into, that doesn’t discredit this work experience. Sometimes employers will ask questions on teamwork and leadership, and that’s where you can draw from your work experience over your education. This shows you have a great mix of the necessary training to do a specific job as well as the soft skills from experience to be a great fit in a workplace.

5. Know what you aren’t interested in. While your primary focus when it comes to your job search should be on what types of positions and workplaces you are interested in, make sure to note deal-breakers along the way. If there are things you know you aren’t interested in, don’t continue to pursue these opportunities. Even things like a long commute, not enough social interaction with colleagues, or a specific role in your field of choice will certainly narrow down your search and you won’t waste your — or prospective employer’s — time.

Job hunting right out of school might seem daunting, but if you have the confidence and know-how to go about your search in the right way, you’ll have better luck. Treat your job hunt like a job itself so that you are serious and disciplined when it come to submitting applications, follow-ups, and practice. If you are still looking into training for your dream job, contact us to start your new career journey.