10 Healthy Living Life Hacks for Technical College Students

Sep 7, 2017

College is good for your mind, but it can take a toll on your body unless you pick up some healthy living life hacks to go along with your demanding schedule. Early morning classes, late night study sessions, and eating on the go can be challenging, but there are ways to take care of yourself now while you’re preparing for your future. Try these 10 practical and simple tips.

Eat more vegetables and fruits. There is a lot of complicated nutritional advice out there that changes from year to year. However, one fast and foolproof way to eat better is to get most of your calories from vegetables and fruits. Most experts recommend that you consume at least 7 servings a day.

Cut down on processed foods. On the other hand, the best thing you can cut back on is processed food. You’ll automatically eat a lot less white sugar, white flour, and salt. Center your diet around whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. If you want more guidance, consider a Mediterranean style diet because these kinds of regimens get high ratings from reputable sources like the American Heart Association and the Mayo Clinic.

Prepare your own meals and snacks. With some advance planning and basic skills, you can work home cooking into any schedule. It’s a lot cheaper than eating out, and gives you more control over your diet. Browse online for simple recipes like stir fries and broiled fish that are just as fast as ordering pizza. Carry around your own snacks like carrot sticks and yogurt.

Drink water. Staying hydrated gives you energy and keeps your whole body in good working order. Bring along a water bottle to sip from wherever you go.

Exercise daily. Incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine, and develop a workout program that you’ll enjoy enough to make it a regular habit. Train for strength, heart health and flexibility. If you tend to sit for long periods in the classroom or studying, take a break at least every half hour to move around.

Practice good posture. Just standing up straight can prevent many injuries, and instantly make you look younger and thinner. Take a deep breath, and tuck your stomach in. Shake out your shoulders and lower them while gently drawing your head up.

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. If possible go to bed and get up at about the same time every day, including weekends and holidays. Feeling a little tired temporarily is better than disrupting your sleep cycles. If you can’t avoid having an irregular schedule, use some strategically placed naps to help you catch up on your rest.

Eliminate clutter. Putting your surroundings into order is good for your health, as well as your productivity. It’s an easy way to reduce anxiety, and help maintain a clean environment. Discard items you don’t use and create a place to store the rest.

Find a hobby. If you’re working, going to school, and raising a family, it may sound odd to add something more to your plate. However, a fulfilling hobby will leave you feeling more refreshed than excessive hours spent watching TV or browsing aimlessly online. A hobby also makes you more interesting, which could work to your advantage when you’re interviewing and networking.

Manage stress. Find constructive outlets for your stress. In addition to exercise and working on your hobby, you might want to consider meditation and yoga to encourage mindfulness and serenity even when your baby is teething while you’re studying for final exams.

Wholesome living will keep you fit and strong for graduation day and beyond, and that’s a good thing when you have so much to look forward to. Contact us to learn more about how Chattanooga College students develop the proficiency and technical competency they need to succeed in rewarding careers in their chosen fields.

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